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Fantastic Footballers!

We are very happy to announce our boys football team have won in the national tournament!

With a thrilling last minute goal, the boys took the top title and we have a nice new silver cup to go in our trophy cabinet.

Well done boys!

Back to School

We just wanted to take this opportunity to welcome our returning and new pupils to the new school term.

There are a lot of exciting events taking place this term, including our school disco and harvest festival amongst other things.

Make sure you keep looking in your class communities for news about upcoming school, and year group activities.


The team hard at work

New Lunch menu

A new term means a new and delicious lunch menu! Our school meals have been put together to ensure that they are not only tasty but delicious. You can download this terms school menu here.

Embedded Calendar

£343 raised for charity

Our school bake off raised over £300 for our local charities. This year, we have decided to split the money evenly between Shelter and Help the Aged. We are delighted that we were able to raise so much money for our local communities.

Do you have any suggestions for what our next fundraising event could be? If so, send an email through to office@queensroad.dbprimary.comwith your thoughts and suggestions.

Remember to include your name and form!